Sterling Necklace-How to Keep Your Jewelry Looking New - Our Advice & Tips-Carabella By Cheryl

How to Keep Your Jewelry Looking New - Our Advice & Tips

Don’t you just love it when you put on a brand-new necklace or bracelet and see it shimmer and shine on your skin, only to put on those same pieces a few months later to find that they don’t have the same sparkle and vibrancy as they once did?  You thought you had taken care of your jewelry, but it tarnished anyways.  You wonder what happened and how can you keep your pieces from tarnishing.


Whether you have just purchased a new piece of jewelry or inherited your grandmother’s antique necklace, no one likes to see their beloved pieces tarnish. Don’t be alarmed though, because there are some simple measures you can take to slow down the tarnishing process and keep your jewelry looking beautiful for longer. Let’s look at what causes jewelry to tarnish and how we can prevent it from happening in the first place.

All jewelry will eventually show signs of wear; some pieces will do so faster than others.  This is because your jewelry has come in contact with oils, acids, moisture, and the air around you.

While not resistant to tarnishing, some materials such as sterling silver and gold vermeil will hold up much better than plated metals.

How quickly your pieces tarnish depends not just on environmental factors but also on you!   The makeup and hair products you use, your skin’s composition and the amount you sweat all contribute to the wear of your jewelry.


All jewelry is capable of tarnishing so to help you out, we’ve put together a few tips to help keep the wear to a minimum.  All our pieces are handcrafted and meant to last, but you also do need to do your part by taking care of them!

  1.  Store your jewelry properly

I know you love to display your pieces – but this will speed up the oxidation process.  The best way to store your jewelry is lying flat, out of direct sunlight and preferably in an air-tight container, like a jewelry box.  At the end of the day, wipe your pieces with an anti-tarnish cloth before storing them away

  1. Avoid contact with aerosol sprays and lotions

This includes your perfume, lotions, and hair products.  Make sure you put on your lotions and potions before you put on your jewelry.  If you forget, just wipe down your pieces with a damp cloth and gently dry them off.  Never wear your silver jewelry when you go swimming or in the sauna.  At the end of the day, wipe your pieces with an anti-tarnish cloth before storing them away.  This will make sure any lingering oils, dust or moisture is gone.

  1. Put your pieces on rotation

Jewelry isn’t meant to be worn 24/7 give your favourite pieces a break and show some love to other pieces.  If your favourite necklace you love to wear every day is not made of sterling silver or gold, you shouldn’t.  The oil on your skin will tarnish your favourite piece quicker if you wear it daily and if it is made of a plated material.

  1. Do not use toothpaste – do this instead

That home remedy is too abrasive and will damage your jewelry in the long run.  Instead, if you have pieces that are dull, filmy or starting to discolour, mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water and rub your jewelry with a soft cloth.  Rinse in cool water and make sure you buff it with a cloth until it is completely dry.

  1. Invest in quality jewelry

We use quality materials when crafting our jewelry including sterling silver, 14k gold-fill, and hypo-allergenic stainless steel – all designed to be enjoyed by you for many years to come.  Invest in quality pieces that make you feel fabulous and will wear well and last.  We have always believed in quality over quantity; the same is true for our jewelry.

It may seem like a hassle to take the extra few minutes to care for your jewelry, but it will make all the difference in the world.  Taking good care of your favourite pieces of jewelry doesn’t need to be difficult! By simply storing them properly when not in use and avoiding exposing them to harsh elements such as humidity, perspiration and cosmetics, you can keep your precious items looking beautiful for years (or even generations!) to come. With these tips in mind, you can admire the sparkle and shine of your favourite necklaces and bracelets for years without having them dulled by oxidization! So go ahead and enjoy your favourite accessory pieces, knowing that you’re taking the best of care for them. 

We hope these few tips on how to keep your jewelry from tarnishing will be helpful.  All it takes is just a few minutes to care for your pieces properly.

If you ever have any questions about the materials we use at Carabella by Cheryl or how to care for our pieces, please reach out – we’re always happy to help you out.